2010年6月 8日(火)

Dogs tied to my bike!

Dogs1.JPG Dogs2.JPG今日事務所出たところで、びっくりしました!私の愛車、私の籠二つついているママチャリに、犬二匹が紐で結ばれていた。だれかが勝手いに私の自転車を使っていたんです。なんで私の自転車?


いいよと申し上げました。どちみち使おうと思っていませんでした。郵便局に行ってきたら、またびっくりしました。そのおじさんが犬を連れて帰ろうとしています − 自分の自転車で!自分が自転車で来ましたんやったらなんでわざわざ知らない人の自転車に犬を結ぶのかな!意味分りません。

Today I stepped out of the office and got a shock.  I looked over to see my bycicle had two dogs tied to it.  Now I've had garbage dropped in my basked more times than I can count, but I never imagined something like this might happened.  I just stopped and stared, half in shock.

Then a voice comes out of the Yakitori restaurant my bike is in front of.  "Oh, is that your bike?  Sorry!"  said the guy.  I answered no problem, I wasn't about to use the bike anyway, take your time.  But he had the air of someone who ties his dogs to strangers bikes all the time.

Anyhow, I went to the post office.  When I came back, I got another shock.  This guy had his dogs in tow and was making to leave - on his own bike!  Now what kind of a person rides up on his own bike with his dogs in tow, then purposely seeks out someone else's bike to tie his dogs to?  Strange.  Nice guy, but strange. Dogs4.JPG







